IPMP offers videologging of roadways to integrate with the data already collected. Roadware will integrate the video and the data into a single desktop application.
Video data gives users the opportunity to:
- view the condition of roadways without leaving the office
- visualize the roadway integrated with other condition data collected by Fugro Roadware
Videologging and Visi-Data provide:
- ability to review data synchronized with video
- 300 images per mile
- three options for data collection
- right-of-way view
- pavement-only view
- wide angle – high definition
Visi-Data is a multimedia data presentation and analysis tool. Data are presented in tabular and graphical formats. Associated right-of-way images can be presented along with GPS location.
The user can display data such as roughness, rutting, and cross slope integrated with digital images by specifying a reference point.
In addition, Visi-Data offers:
- location-based video playback
- map location navigation
- multiple camera images
- image playback