Rural Speed Management References

Andrle, Stephen J., Keith K. Knapp, Tom McDonald, and Duane E. Smith. Iowa Traffic Control Devices and Pavement Markings: A Manual for Cities and Counties. Center for Transportation Research and Education, Iowa State University, 2001.

ATSSA. Low Cost Local Road Safety Solutions. American Traffic Safety Services Association, Fredericksburg, VA, 2006.

Brewer, Jim, John German, Ray Krammes, Kam Movassaghi, John Okamoto, Sandra Otto, Wendell Ruff, Seppo Sillan, Nikiforos Stamatiadis, and Robert Walters. Geometric Design Practices for European Roads. Report FHWA-PL-01-026. Federal Highway Administration, International Technology Exchange Program, 2001.

Buchholz, Karl, David Baskett, and Laura Anderson. Collector Street Traffic Calming: A Comprehensive Before-After Study. Presented at annual meeting of the Institute of Transportation Engineers, 2000.

Caltrans. Main Streets: Flexibility in Design and Operations. California Department of Transportation, 2002.

City of Palos Verdes Estates. Traffic Calming Program. City of Palos Verdes Estates, California, 2001.

City of Winston-Salem. “Traffic Calming Policy. Section IV.” Traffic Calming Measures, City of Winston-Salem, North Carolina, 2003.

Corkle, Jacqueline, Joni L. Giese, and Michael M. Marti. Investigating the Effectiveness of Traffic Calming Strategies on Driver Behavior, Traffic Flow, and Speed. Minnesota Local Road Research Board, Minnesota Department of Transportation, St. Paul, MN, 2001.

DETR. Traffic Calming on Major Roads. Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions, England, 2005.

Dixon, Karen, Hong Zhu, Jennifer Ogle, Johnell Brooks, Candice Hein, Priyank Aklluir, and Mathew Crisler. Determining Effective Roadway Design Treatments for Transitioning from Rural Areas to Urban Areas on State Highways. Report FHWA-OR-RD-09-02, Final Report SPR 631. FHWA, Oregon Department of Transportation, 2008.

Ewing, Reid. Traffic Calming: State of the Practice. Washington, DC: Institute of Transportation Engineers, U.S. Department of Transportation, 1999.

FHWA. Roundabouts: A Safer Choice. Federal Highway Administration, n.d.

Fontaine, Michael, Paul Carlson, and Gene Hawkins. Evaluation of Traffic Control Devices for Rural High-Speed Maintenance Work Zones: Second Year Activities and Final Recommendations. Report FHWA/TX-01/1879-2. Texas Transportation Institute, 2000.

Hallmark, Shauna, Dan Smith, Keith Knapp, and Gary Thomas. Temporary Speed Hump Impact Evaluation. Center for Transportation Research and Education, Iowa State University, 2002.

Hallmark, Shauna, Eric Peterson, Eric Fitzsimmons, Neal Hawkins, Jon Resler, and Tom Welch. Evaluation of Gateway and Low-Cost Traffic-Calming Treatments for Major Routes in Small Rural Communities. Center for Transportation Research and Education, Iowa State University, 2007.

Hughes Warren, Debra Chappell, and Shyuan-Ren (Clayton) Chen. Chapter 6. Geometric Design Treatments. Innovative Intersection Safety Improvement Strategies and Management Practices: A Domestic Scan. Federal Highway Administration, 2006.

Jacquemart, G. Synthesis of Highway Practice 264: Modern Roundabout Practice in the United States. National Cooperative Highway Research Program. Washington, DC. National Academy Press, 1998.

Kamyab, Ali, Steve Andrle, and Dennis Kroeger. Methods to Reduce Traffic Speeds at High Pedestrian Areas. Center for Transportation Research and Education, Iowa State University, 2002.

Kastenhofer, Elena Orban. Traffic Calming, the Helpful Band-Aid, in Virginia when the State DOT is 100+ Local DP. Presented at annual meeting of the Institute of Transportation Engineers, 1997.

Knapp, Keith and Karen Giese. Guidelines for the Conversion of Urban Four-lane Undivided Roadways to Thru-Lane Two-Way Left-Turn Lane Facilities. Center for Transportation Research and Education, Iowa State University, 2001.

Li, Wen and Alicia Carriquiry, Four-Lane to Three-Lane Conversions tech transfer summary. Center for Transportation Research and Education, Iowa State University, 2006.

Macbeth, Andrew G. Calming Arterials in Toronto. Presented at annual meeting of the Institute of Transportation Engineers, 1998.

MnDOT. Traffic Engineering Manual. Minnesota Department of Transportation, St. Paul, MN,1999.

NHTSA. Traffic Safety Facts 2007 Data: Speeding. DOT HS 810 998. National Center for Statistics and Analysis, National Highway Traffic Safety Association, 2008.

Robinson, Bruce W., Lee Rodegerdts, Wade Scarborough, Wayne Kittelson, Rod Troutbeck, Werner Brilon, Lothar Bondzio, Ken Courage, Michael Kyte, John Mason, Aimee Flannery, Edward Myers, Jonathan Bunker, and Georges Jacquemart. Roundabouts: An Informational Guide. Report FHWA-RD-00-067. Federal Highway Administration, 2000.

SCDOT. SCDOT Traffic Calming Guidelines. South Carolina Department of Transportation, Traffic Engineering, Columbia, SC, Revised 2006.

Sustrans. Rural Minor Road Traffic Calming. National Cycle Network, College Green, Briston, UK. Accessed February 2005.