Reginald Souleyrette
About the research
Strategic and Implementation Planning and Assessment for GIS at the Iowa DOT, including the following:
Phase 1: GIS Strategic Plan and Institutional Structural Assessment
Phase 2: GIS Implementation Plan, Applications Development, Training, Database Development and Software Evaluation
Phase 3: GIS Implementation Plan (continued), Applications Development, Training, Selection and Orientation of GIS Coordinator
Phase 4: Support GIS Coordinating Committee, Mapping and Conversion, GPS Applications, Orthophotography Assessment, Support Iowa Geographic Information Council, and GIS Pilot Projects, including Sufficiency Data Access, Crash Node Mapping, Utility Inventory, Accidents and Roadside Features, Access Locations, Project Level Data, Detour Locations, Mitigation Areas, Routing, Parcel Inventory, Pavement Management, Travel Demand Modeling, Socioeconomics and Demographics, and Statewide Freight Flow Models
Phase 5: Support GIS Coordinating Committee, Location Reference Team Support, Revise/Update GIS Strategic Plan (culminating in a set of guidelines and issues regarding hardware/software selection, database development, system evaluations, and implementation processes), Develop GIS Data, Training, Standards and Procedures, Communications and Marketing Strategy, Test GIS Software for Systems Compatibility
Phase 6: Support GIS Coordinating Committee, Develop Linear Reference System RFP, Develop GIS Applications in Environmental, GPS and Rail, Develop Construction Status Web Site, Onsite GIS Software Support, Roadside Development Application
Phase 7: Construction Status Web Site (cont.), Linear Referencing System Team Support, and Technical Support of DOT GIS Team