Project Details
Federal Highway Administration
Minnesota Department of Transportation
David White
Max Morris
Heath Gieselman
Pavana Vennapusa
Jiake Zhang
About the research
This study documents relationships between intelligent compaction measurement values (IC-MVs) and various insitu point measurement techniques for monitoring compaction of non-granular and granular materials. Factors affecting correlations are discussed (e.g., soil type, moisture contents, stress level, etc.). Measurements from earth pressure cells document the relationship between in-ground stresses for rollers and various in-situ test methods. Comparisons were made between test roller rut depth measurements and IC-MVs and various point measurements as a quality assurance (QA) check for the subgrade pavement foundation layer. It was concluded that IC-MVs and in-situ point measurements can serve as reliable alternatives to test rolling. Site specific target values were calculated for IC-MVs, dynamic cone penetrometer (DCP), light weight deflectometer, (LWD), and shear strength. Measurement error and protocols for field testing were evaluated for LWDs. Laboratory compacted samples were used to assess an approach for determining LWD field target values.
Future research is recommended to evaluate this approach for materials on a state-wide basis. Results from field studies were used to develop four IC specification options. Three specifications do not require on-site roller calibration. One specification option requires on-site calibration of IC-MVs and in-situ point measurements. This specification option has the advantages of quantifying risk, establishing a framework for a performance specification, providing information for incentive-based pay, and better linking as-built quality to long-term performance. An IC training/certification program, new IC field data analysis tools, and additional pilot projects will assist with greater implementation of these technologies.