Project Details
Federal Highway Administration--Iowa Division
Iowa Department of Transportation
Stephen Andrle
About the research
In January 2001, new regulations mandated by Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) took effect, including required consultation with American Indian tribes by any agency when planning federally funded improvements that could potentially impact properties with cultural and/or religious significance to those tribes. To meet and comply with these new regulations in Section 106 of NHPA, the Federal Highway Administration-Iowa Division and the Iowa Department of Transportation initiated activities to establish an acceptable consultation process with tribes having a current and/or historic interest in Iowa properties.
Two events were planned and carried out: (1) the State of Iowa Tribal Summit on Historic Preservation and Transportation and (2) the State of Iowa Tribal Consultation Workshop. These efforts are described in this document. Specific concerns raised by tribal representatives suggest that, while this two-phased initiative was quite successful, this should be viewed as only the beginning of a consultation process that could require several years to achieve satisfactory levels of trust and communication. Specific successes and recommendations are provided in the report.