Direct Observation of Child Restraint Device Use and Misuse Rates in Michigan

Project Details









Michigan Office of Highway Safety Planning
Wayne State University

Principal Investigator
Peter Savolainen

About the research

Task #1: The principal investigator (PI) will assist Wayne State University (WSU) in developing the observation methodology which will largely follow the methods used in prior surveys. However, additional refinements will be considered as noted in the proposal submitted by WSU. The draft methodology will be submitted to the Office of Highway Safety Planning (OHSP) by January 9, 2015 and the final methodology will be submitted by February 5, 2015. Task #2: The PI will assist in selecting observation sites for both the use and misuse surveys. The final list of sites will be provided to OHSP by March 2, 2015. A graduate research assistant will assist in the site selection process. Task #3: The PI will aid in the development of training materials for the direct observation survey of child restraint use as well as the on-site interviews of child restraint misuse. The PI will also attend the mandatory classroom training session, which will occur during the spring of 2015. The PI will also assist in quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC) review of training data to ensure consistency among observers. A graduate research assistant will assist in these activities. Task #4: The PI will conduct the analyses to provide OHSP with the statewide child restraint device use rate as determined by the observation. The PI will also review the analysis of the interview/inspection data conducted by WSU. The use and misuse rate estimates will be provided to OHSP by August 7, 2015. A graduate research assistant will assist in data collection. QA/QC review of collected data, and conduct of the statistical analyses leading to these estimates. Task #5: The PI will assist in authoring the project report for both surveys. The draft report is due to OHSP by August 28, 2015. The final project report will be submitted by September 30, 2015. A graduate research assistant will assist in preparing the report materials.