Project Details
18-657, 9N-18-405C-002
Iowa Department of Transportation
Theresa Litteral email >Statewide MDST Facilitator, Iowa LTAP
Hossein Naraghi
About the research
A geographical information systems (GIS) is designed to collect, visualize, interpret, process, store, and analyze spatial or geographic data. A GIS can be a very effective tool for many purposes. Over the past several years, considerable effort has been devoted to developing an easy to use software program that provides convenient access to Iowa crash data through a simple GIS online interface.
For years, the Iowa DOT has utilized GIS tools for presentation and analysis of crash data. However, existing tools, such as ESRI ArcView Safety Analysis, Visualization, and Evaluation Resource (SAVER) and Crash Mapping and Analysis Tool (CMAT), are beyond their useful life. Under the direction of the Office of Traffic and Safety, a new modern software has been developed called SAVER. This system was designed with local and state agency input, enabling these agencies and the research community to conduct regional and site-specific analyses of crash, driver, injury and road-related features. The system allows local law enforcement and engineers to use comprehensive state or local data to identify and mitigate highway safety problems.
The Iowa DOT is committed to providing guidance in using this new innovative online software. The goal of this effort is to offer easily accessible streamlined online basic training to a broad base of multi-discipline users, both technically-advanced and novice.