Development of a GIS-Based Crash Location Tool, Phase II

Project Details







Iowa Department of Transportation

Principal Investigator
Reginald Souleyrette

About the research

CTRE is developing the SmartMap Crash Location Tool for the DOT. This software program is being integrated into Advantage Safety, a computerized data entry system used to collect crash data. The location tool was developed in Phase 1 and in this phase is undergoing preliminary testing. The integrated Advantage Safety/Smart Map product will also undergo field tests in police ehicles in preparation for larger-scale implementation.

The location tool developed in Phase I will undergo preliminary testing in Phase II and its functionality will be enhanced for use in an office setting. Data creation and installation tools for end users will be developed. A GeoMedia tool will be developed to output the necessary shapefile data for the SmartMap application in an automated fashion. Tools will also be developed to simplify the process needed to install the data sets used by the application on desktop and in-vehicle computers. Currently, the location tool accepts GPS coordinates only through manual data input; different methods of incorporating GPS data, such as serial input, USB and PCMCIA cards will be assessed.

This phase will promote awareness of the location tool and relation national model efforts and support their acceptance and implementation through presentations at conferences, assisting in technology transfer activities, attending meetings related to the location tool, and working with AMS to ensure location tool/Advantage safety integration.

Local agency access to timely data is critical for safety analysis and this phase will develop procedures to ensure local access to data. The feasibility of a stand-alone application for location of other incidents and features will also be assessed.