Omar Smadi

About Omar
Dr. Omar Smadi has over 25 years of experience in the area of infrastructure and asset management ranging from pavements, bridges, safety, pavement marking, signs and other infrastructure assets. He is currently serving as principal investigator for several research projects for the Iowa Department of Transportation, Iowa Highway Research Board, the federally funded Midwest Transportation Center, National Cooperative Highway Research Program, Second Highway Research Program, and Federal Highway Administration dealing with roadway data, safety, and asset management.
- PhD, Transportation Engineering, Iowa State University, 2000
- MS, Transportation Engineering, Iowa State University, 1994
- BS, Civil Engineering, Yarmouk University, Jordan, 1987
Professional Experience
Iowa State University (ISU), Department of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering
- Professor, 2023–present
- Associate Professor, 2014–2023
- Associate Chair for Research and International Collaboration, 2020–present
Institute for Transportation, Iowa State University
- Director, Center for Transportation Research and Education (CTRE), 2015–present
- Director, Roadway Infrastructure Management and Operations Systems (RIMOS) program, 2010–present
- Research Scientist, 1994–present
Selected Publications
Dr. Smadi has authored or co-authored a total of 48 peer-reviewed archival journal articles in impactful journals. Since joining the CCEE Department in 2014, Dr. Smadi published 36 journal articles, with the overwhelming majority being with his students, post-doctoral associates, and fellow research staff. In addition to journal articles, Dr. Smadi has authored 65 peer-reviewed conference proceedings and 39 technical reports.
- Abukhalil, Y., and O. Smadi. 2022. A Bootstrap-Based Integer Programming Algorithm for Budget Allocation in Pavement Management Systems. Journal of Infrastructure Systems, Vol. 28, No. 1.
- Chen, Y-A., H. Ceylan, I. Nlenanya, O. Kaya, O. Smadi, P. C. Taylor, S. Kim, K. Gopalakrishnan, and D. E. King. 2022. Long-term performance evaluation of Iowa concrete overlays. International Journal of Pavement Engineering, Vol. 23, No. 3.
- Nlenanya, I., and O. Smadi. 2021. A Risk Management Database Framework Implementation for Transportation Asset Management. CivilEng, Vol. 2, pp. 193–
- Sassani, A., O. Smadi, and N. Hawkins. 2021. Developing Pavement Marking Management Systems: A Theoretical Model Framework Based on the Experiences of the US Transportation Agencies. Infrastructures.
- Safaei, N., O. Smadi, A. Masoud, and B. Safaei. 2021. An Automatic Image Processing Algorithm Based on Crack Pixel Density for Pavement Crack Detection and Classification. International Journal of Pavement Research and Technology, 15, pp. 159–172.
- Alhasan, A., O. Smadi, R. Walton, and B. L. Schleppi. 2020. Pavement texture characterization using wavelets analysis in relation to pendulum skid tester. International Journal of Pavement Engineering.
- Hallmark, S., A. Goswamy, T. Litteral, N. Hawkins, O. Smadi, and S. Knickerbocker. 2020. Evaluation of sequential dynamic chevron warning systems on rural two-lane curves. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Vol. 2674, No. 10.
Professional Affiliations, Honors, and Service
- American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)
- Member, ASCE Infrastructure Management Committee (2008–present)
- Member, ASCE Advanced Technology Committee (2010–present)
- Member, ASCE Highway Pavement Committee (2010–present)
- International Road Federation (IRF)
- Executive Board Member of the Washington Program Center (2012–present)
- Executive Board Treasurer (2021–present)
- Asset Management Committee (Chair for 4 years) (2013–2018)
- Transportation Research Board (TRB)
- Member, TRB Committee AFD20 – Pavement Monitoring and Evaluation (Chair for 6 years) (2004–2016)
- Member, TRB Committee AFD10 – Pavement Management (2005–2014)
- Member, TRB Committee ABC40 – Asset Management (2007–2019)
- Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE)
- Friend, AASHTO Asset Management Subcommittee
- World Road Association (PIARC): Infrastructure Asset Management Group